The Characteristics of Rectangular Light.
Size does matter Shadows change according to the size Impact on reflective objects due to visible and invisible rectangle light Double Sided Option Material: Reflection Layer. Adding Reflection Layer Fresnel Reflections Reflections and Highlights. Reflection Glossiness Reflection Filter Refraction Layer. Add Refraction Layer Controlling the Amount of Transparency The color of refractive materials Fog Settings Explained Adjusting Refraction IOR The Glossiness of Refractive Materials Shadows of Refractive Materials Double-Sided Material Translucent Material Emissive Materials. Add Emissive Layer Adjust the Intensity Adjust the Color Emissive Textures Texture Mapping.
Adding Displacement Displacement Parameters Adjusting Displacement 6 7 8 9 10 Projection Types and Adjustments Bump Maps. What is Transparency Mapping How Transparency Mapping Works Another Method to create the same result Other uses for transparency mapping V-Ray Linked Material.